Lending Criteria.

Our criteria is split into residential and buy to let, so use the options below to find the criteria you need.

Address History (Min UK address history needed)

This is the required number of months we specify a client has to have had a UK address history for. 

We require a minimum of three years UK address history. Will consider less than the three years when the rest of the case is strong and a UK based credit footprint has been maintained throughout time outside of the UK.

Advisor Own Application

Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from an advisor wishing to apply for his or her own mortgage.

We can accept applications from advisers applying for their own mortgage. Documents must be certified by another member of staff who is not the adviser.

Age Limits: Maximum Age at End of Mortgage Term

Indicates the absolute maximum age we will lend to.

We do not have a maximum age for Buy to Let applications.


Indicates the maximum age we can accept an applicant to be at the time of an application to be considered for a Buy to Let application.

We do not have a maximum age at application. Applicants 75 or over on application will need to seek Independent Legal Advice to ensure they understand the implications of the mortgage contract and the potential issues of lending into old age on benefits and in the event of needing to go into long-term care.

Age Limits: Maximum age for self employed borrowers

Specifies the maximum age we can potentially consider on a but to let application for a self employed borrower

Typically we can take non-manual self employed income to the age of 75. If you wish to go past this age, please contact the Business Development Team to discuss further.

Age Limits: Minimum Age at Application

The minimum age we will accept when assessing an applicant.

We allow applicants to apply for a mortgage from the age of 18.

Applicant not on electoral register

Indicates if we will consider a buy to let application for an applicant who is not on the electoral register

We can consider an applicant who is not on electoral register. ID and proof of address will need to be certified.

Arrangement fees can be added when exceeding lending LTV limits

Indicates if we allow borrowers to add the arrangement fee (where one is payable) to the mortgage advance where this will mean the max lending policy loan to value will be exceeded. 

We can potentially allow fees to be added where it means the lending loan to value limits will be exceeded as long as the rental income can cover the loan size and the fees.

Arrangement fees can be added when exceeding product LTV limits

Indicates if we allow borrowers to add the arrangement fee (where one is payable) to the mortgage advance where this will mean the product loan to value will be exceeded.

We can potentially allow fees to be added where it means the product value limits will be exceeded as long as the rental income can cover the loan size and the fees.

Arrangement to Pay

Indicates if we can potentially accept applicants that have an arrangement to pay registered on their credit file on Buy to Let applications.

We can potentially consider applicants that have an arrangement to pay registered on their credit file. The maximum LTV will 75% and the arrangement to pay must be satisfied for at least 3 years.

Arrears (secured/mortgage)

Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from applicants that have a history of mortgage or secured loan arrears.

We can potentially accept applicants with historic arrears. There cannot be any missed payments in the last 12 months and will be on a case by case basis based on LTV and number of arrears recorded

Arrears (unsecured)

Indicates if we are able to potentially accept Buy to Let  applications where one or more applicant(s) has a history of unsecured loan arrears.

We can potentially accept applicants with historic arrears. There cannot be any missed payments in the last 12 months and will be on a case by case basis based on LTV and number of arrears recorded

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