The Bank of England reduced the base rate by 0.25 percentage points to 4.50% on Thursday 6 February 2025. Find out how this affects your mortgage or savings account here.

Savings interest

Make the most of your savings.

Savings interest calculator.

Our savings interest calculator is designed to give you a guide of what your savings could earn. It does not take into consideration the [Personal Savings Allowance] and makes certain assumptions, such as the interest rate will remain the same over the specified period. The results are approximate and should be used for illustration purposes only. The final value of your savings may vary from that shown.


Amount should be between £1 to 1000000


Rate should be above 0 and below 100

Your savings balance before tax is deducted £XX

Your savings balance after any tax is deducted £XX

Please note: The results are for illustration purposes only.

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