Is your Child Trust Fund due to mature?

Written by Ipswich Building Society

10 Nov 2020



3 min read


What are Child Trust Funds?

Child Trust Funds, commonly known as CTFs, were introduced by the government for children born between 1 September 2002 and 2 January 2011 as a method of long term, tax free savings. They mature on the account holders’ 18th birthday, when the savings can be accessed.

What it means when your Child Trust Fund matures

On their 18th birthday the account holder will be contacted by the account provider to let them know what options will be available to them on maturity. This includes accessing their funds or continuing saving.

They’re the only person who can:

  • Tell the account provider what they’d like to do at maturity 
  • Change the address and other personal details
  • Change the type of account, for example from cash to stocks and shares
  • Transfer their funds to another provider

Child Trust Funds held with Ipswich Building Society

If you or your child has a CTF held with us and you are wondering what happen with their savings, we will be writing to all account holders ahead of their 18th birthday. The letter will explain all of the details and comes with a Maturity Instruction Form to complete and return, along with some identification requirements. The outline options for the funds saved include:

  • Withdraw the balance by cheque (funds will lose tax free status)
  • Continue saving tax free in an adult ISA, either with Ipswich Building Society or another provider
  • Withdraw part of the funds and save the rest in a tax-free adult ISA

If you have a CTF with us, have reached your 18th birthday and have not received this letter please contact us 0330 123 0723 or email [email protected]

Finding “lost” Child Trust Funds

If you have a CTF or are the registered contact on behalf of your child and you do not know which provider it is with, you can find out using the government’s online finder tool.

More information regarding CTFs

GOV UK Information=

Money Advice Service =

This article was published under our previous name of Ipswich Building Society. We changed our name in 2021 – find out more.

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