With our AGM just around the corner, we’ve sent out postal and digital voting packs to all eligible voting members containing details on how to cast your vote on the resolutions we’ve put forward.
The resolutions for this year are as follows:
- To receive the Report of the Directors, Annual Accounts and Auditor’s Report
- To approve the Director’s Remuneration Report
- To re-appoint KPMG LLP as Auditors
- To elect the Society’s Directors – Ian Brighton, Fiona Ryder and Trevor Slater
As a mutual, we’re accountable only to our members – the profit we make from our products and services is reinvested back into the Society, rather than going into shareholder’s pockets. And because our membership is at the heart of everything we do, we think that voting is an important right that every member should take advantage of and make their voice heard. The AGM, to be held on Wednesday 27 March, is an opportunity for members to put forward their questions to the Board and hear from the Chairman and Chief Executive on the Society’s performance for the last year.
Using your voting pack, you can vote either online using the weblink provided on the voting form, in-branch by bringing in your voting form, by post by sending it to the address outlined within or in person at our AGM by bringing in your voting form with your passbook or a form of ID.
For more information on how to vote online using a paper voting form, please see our handy video below:
window.addEvent(“domready”, function() { spsyt(‘sp-simple-youtube451’, 300, 200); }); window.addEvent(“resize”, function() { spsyt(‘sp-simple-youtube451’, 300, 200); });
To be eligible to vote, you must be:
- Aged 18 or over, and;
- Be the first named account holder of a savings account with at least £100 invested, or;
- Be named on a mortgage account held with us
On a final note, I’m delighted that this year we’re sending out more than 3,000 digital voting packs – the most ever since we introduced paperless voting four years ago. This has saved us a lot of money – and more importantly – prevented hundreds if not thousands of discarded voting packs and envelopes from ending up in the bin.
As part of our developing environmental strategy, from 2020 paperless (digital) voting will be the default, with paper packs being sent out only to those members who don’t have an email address or who specifically opt-out of online voting. This will help us keep our costs down and greatly reduce wastage and our impact on the environment.
Thank you for using your vote, and we look forward to seeing you at our AGM on Wednesday 27 March at Trinity Park, Ipswich.